
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2021

It is no surprise to hear many people express the wish: "I hope 2022 is going to be a better year than last year."

Of course, an argument could be made the past couple of years were nothing to place in the 'great memories' section of a personal diary - COVID-19, high inflation, border tensions, violence in the streets, and too much more to write about here. 

But, there were things to be pleased with, even in what seemed at times to be dire circumstances.

Laureen and I were blessed with the birth of three granddaughters during these times,  our daughter Jessica gave us Jasmine, while Katie welcomed Ava and Anastasia. These are the moments which make it all worth the hardships. And then we learned during the summer of 2021 that our daughter, Kelly, is having a baby in the spring of 2022, a grandson who will be named Eli.

See, even in times of trial and tribulation - wonderful things can happen.

That is why, on January 1st of each year, we all look forward to the upcoming year with hopes and aspirations that it will be better than the previous one.

Too much to ask for? Okay, perhaps it is, but what the world has gone through with the previous two years, maybe we really need the prospects of a truly outstanding year for everyone.

So this 2022, let's make it about all of us getting together, smiling, laughing, and trying to forget the past and move on with a brand new future.

Forgive the past slights.

Recall the pleasant memories.

Reflect on how we each can be a better person.

And, learn to truly love those around us with just a bit more relish.

We at J and L wish everyone a truly Happy and Prosperous New Year.