
Showing posts with label Amasa M. Lyman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amasa M. Lyman. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mormon Rocks

 Mormon Rocks - west of the Cajon Pass
Every location no matter where one lives has unique historical tales to share with those willing to step away for a day of adventure and research. The emphasis is always on research to ensure when visiting a specific area one has the correct information in their back pocket or stored away within the cranium.

As the great writer Paul Theroux has shared over and over with his readers - he doesn't take photographs because his camera is his memories which are stored within the brain. Though we may not agree a hundred percent with Mr. Theroux about the lack of photographs we duly understand his point of view.

So, with this is mind we emphasize to go venture close to home or great distances from home to find those special places which can bring enjoyment and learning with or without a camera - of course most cell phones are remarkable in that category so a camera is always nearby to capture light at certain angles, a smile on a face when that face sees something remarkable, or simply as a record of the days adventure.

Just go out and look around - it's a big world out there even close by.

J and L decided on a Sunday afternoon to head out to a historical site not far from the abode and do some hiking in the hills. The destination was the Mormon Rocks (that is not politically incorrect since it is what the area is named for good reason) located near the junction of Highway 138 and Interstate 15 in Southern California. The area is located in the Cajon Pass which sits at approximately 3700 feet above sea level and was the main passageway from Los Angeles to the Victor Valley and areas beyond including Las Vegas, St. George and other territories to the north.

Mystical at times

Sometimes just awesome

It was the actual trail used by a group of devout Mormon settlers in 1851 led by Amasa M. Lyman and Charles C. Rich on their way to Salt Lake City.

The entire trip through the rough and brush filled canyons on foot and in covered wagons. What a sight that must have been to see as these intrepid hopeful people moved day by day to their promised land. Of course, that was a long time ago and the exact spot where the folks made camp is not one hundred percent certain but is believed to be at a place called Sullivan's Curve where the Mormon Trail and the railway now merge. Once viewed it is easy to imagine many suitable camping sites for tired feet and hungry bellies in the foothills of the eastern San Gabriel Mountain Range.

With determination and guts these pioneers found a new home

With camera in tow, Sorry Mr.Theroux, we marched up and down stunningly shaped rock formations for incredible views of the Cajon Pass and Highway 138. The quiet of the area was mind boggling since the aforementioned highways were nearly a stones throw away and it was difficult to believe that major metropolitan areas were less than a dozen miles to either the north or south from where we were exploring.

Caves in the rocks, trails leading to new unseen views, winds whistling through the desert fauna, and the tangible feel of the historical energy of such an area made the half day outing more than worth the effort.

Sometimes what we are venturing out to see is as close as our own backyards and with this blog that is proven time and again.

Go and drive a few minutes to the natural beauty or historical importance of your surrounding locale and again we believe you will be amazed. We are each and every time and we've only started looking into our own backyard as of yet - many more of these short day trips are planned and to be shared.

Laureen wondering who is driving?

John ready for adventure at Mormon Rocks

Enjoy the outdoors and enjoy the company you keep - that you do not need a photograph for but only a heart and memory for those you care for - perhaps Paul Theroux wasn't too far off after all.

County/State/National Parks are a great place to start