
Showing posts with label ancient civilizations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ancient civilizations. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Huaca Pucllana

I'll be your tour guide!
 One of the greatest things about traveling is to see what many have not seen. Duh! That makes sense doesn't it? But we have met and discussed traveling with a multitude of people who have spent ample time in an area and never seen what was under their nose or at least eye level.

Even Captains make bad decisions.
J had a friend who had been in the army and stationed in Germany for two years back in the nineties. The gentleman never ventured more than five miles from the base during those 730 days. To this day he regrets his decision not to explore the country and countries near him. The history he missed could never be gained from reading books. The lost chance of talking with locals will never be his to endeavor because unfortunately at this point in his life he can't afford international travel.

What a waste of a moment.

Sometimes travel is not in the finances for some but when the opportunity becomes reality then exploring you must go.

J and L have been to Lima three times and loved each trip. Exploring and researching before and after the trip always pulled up something we had missed and this last trip surely amplified that certainity.

In the heart of the largest city in Peru lays a wonderfully well preserved and restoration project that is a must for anyone venturing into South America.

This is just the beginning to unveil what is beneath.
 In the Miraflores district of central Lima there is a staggering arrangement of acres upon acres of adobe and clay structures including pyramids dating to the 3rd to the 8th centuries. This once proud center of ceremonial and administrative area for an ancient civilization - which we know through various records and accounts from conquering entities - lasted nearly 700 years. But it actually continued somewhat secretly after the Huari took over the area in the 8th century with the local people still going to the site and worshiping as they wished knowing that their discovery may cause their own imminent death. It got to the point that the top levels of the worshiping pyramids were scraped or broken down by the believers so the invading 'armies' wouldn't know they were there worshiping.

Model of a worker at the time period.
 Religious freedom was an unknown topic at this point in history but those with the desire to worship will always find a way. Destroy a temple or pyramid and pray within its rubble.

Rather clever really.

During the oncoming ages, places of worship were abandoned, areas of sacrifice forgotten , rites were mere myths, and the exact location of this or that were built over or ignored.

But the Peruvians are proud of their history - good or bad - and this large area in Miraflores has been under constant archeological preservation for decades. The history of these almost forgotten Peruvians are at the utmost of the reestablishment of this central area of knowledge.

J is very happy with this discovery.

Uncovering history.
As years go by more and more will be learned about not only the priests and the people who actually lived within the walls of  Huaca Pucllana but those of its citizens living nearby supplying the everyday needs of this large religious facility.

And isn't that the name of the game - if you believe, no matter what century you will support those you believe in?

No politics here - just a thought.

A beer and a wine can make a day so much nicer at the end just ask L and Paul.