
Showing posts with label Tales of the Frontier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tales of the Frontier. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2012

In the Limelight

From Tales of The Frontier: The Ghosts

Recently J & L were invited once again to visit the set of one of Tino Luciano’s productions of the Tales of the Frontier. In a previous blog article, we introduced Mr. Luciano, the Big Dog himself, and now the sole-proprietor of Law Dog Productions, Film and Television, where we conducted a ‘behind the scenes’ moment for our readers and from the numerous comments we received, the research project seemed to have been a hit. Of course, being the folks we are, if there was a moment to return and report on the latest with the Law Dog crew, we were there.
Though we had been in the company of the cast before,  it was still another breath of fresh air to see something being filmed with a good old-fashioned message where the good guys win even when sometimes those ‘good guys’ have some faults of their own.
Many times in feature films or television series produced by the major studios most patrons have to burrow their heads when body parts fall off from ridiculous and nonsensical ‘zombies’ or aliens who have nothing better to do than travel a zillion light years to suck out the brains of ordinary humans on planet earth. Personally, this writer feels traveling that far would be quite a disappointment when the aliens actually make contact with modern humans and realize there is not that much to suck out. Then again, why are zombies always mad and vengeful? Being brought back to life should make them happy and thankful. That in a nutshell should show how far off the mark the big boys and girls of Hollywood really are.
But I digress. Back to Law Dogs.
The writing was crisp, the actors nothing but professional, the action developed and the overall take-away was one of superb professionalism from Luciano and his crew.
And speaking of the crew, it was like old home week for J & L when we saw Dale Noel, producer, Carole Schreiber, production supervisor, James Fuentez, 1st A.D., Lloyd Noel, horse wrangler (he and Dale also are the owners of the ranch were the shooting took place on this visit), and of course all the rest of the crew affectionately known as Law Dogs and Ladies, and who made us feel right at home.
This time we had the opportunity to step in front of the camera as ‘extras’ for a scene in the latest episode. Both eager and trepidatious about our two seconds in the limelight, we headed for wardrobe where we were met by Garrett Sheeks, the usual gaffer but this day he was wearing two hats that being gaffer and wardrobe guru.
Sheeks looked me over after three maniacal wardrobe changes, Law Dogs (especially Luciano) are sticklers for authentic details, and finally allowed me to leave the wardrobe trailer after I had stood standing in the blazing sun for what seemed like hours. Sheeks, in my humble opinion, is a wardrobe Nazi. Sweating, I smiled weakly due to the sun, and wandered off after being dismissed by Herr Sheeks to sit and wait until my limited acting talents were called for.
Of course, Laureen of J & L managed to have one wardrobe change from the comfort of the air conditioned wardrobe trailer and came out looking beautiful in her finery including a large hat, which took up most of the ranch we were filming at. Stunning all the same. Sheeks stated; “She’s a natural.”

I didn’t like the Fuehrer at that point at all. Just a bit a humor since I believe this young man is very talented, very personable and has a great career ahead of him. All joking aside, he is what a production team needs and that is ‘get it right’ before it goes before the camera.
Then again, me versus my good-looking wife, there would be no choice in saying who is or was a ‘natural’. She got the benefit of a changing room with air conditioning whereas I was barely able to tug on period trousers in the desert heat while balancing on a multi-colored rug in front of a trailer.  Then again, one prefers a woman who smells sweet to a guy who smells likes sweat. But again, I digress.
Back to reality, which is hard, when you’re about to appear on screen. Since  we, as ‘actors,’ have been sworn to ‘secrecy’ and can't tell you the details about the plot, which is a shame because they are incredible. If only we could let out the plots of ‘Ghosts’ or those other episodes of ‘Tales of the Frontier’ then we know they would play anytime on the home televisions or the local neighborhood theatres. That is how good the writing, directing and acting is.You will definitely want to catch the trailers to taste the flavor of what the crew is putting together here.
But, and I am just saying this as a generic person who has no business connection with Law Dog Productions, I will not be surprised to see this small and upcoming production company in the big times very soon.
Director Luciano truly inspires trust and friendship from all those he works with. He has a great sense of humor, a great sense of dedication, and one who will never rest until all the rest of the crew, actors and Production Company, have their chance to settle in for the evening.
In the bank for a withdrawal before the bad guys come.
But before he 'throws his hat' to wrap the night, there is no doubt who is in charge on the set. From wardrobe to set and everything in between, Tino knows what he wants and how to translate that to film. As J and L ambled over to the set, a late 1860s bank, for 'blocking' or as we laypeople would say, 'having the boss tell where to stand and what to do,'  we listened quietly to what we were to do and walked through the scene. Then, as we walked through the scene for second time, one of our fellows suggested a change and Tino, with a smile and firm voice answered, "How 'bout you let me be the director?" No more questions. No more suggestions. We got the message. And, we got the scene right.

We were there for several takes. All the angles, changes, laughs, and the serious work of film-making. It seemed like it took two hours to film three minutes. Quality takes time. And this is quality stuff.
After three visits to the set with Law Dogs, we at J & L have grown to believe these folks  are truly our friends. They share our same beliefs that hard work with strong dedication is the way to success. That if you have a story to tell you must tell it no matter how many people will read or view it. Do not worry about the criticism since the positive accolades will outnumber those of the nay-sayers.
And, finally, if you believe you are doing the right thing, then you must keep at it.
In our opinion, Law Dogs Production stands for what made America the country it is today and no matter the trash Hollywood flushes past the masses there will always be plenty of room for people like Tino Luciano to produce a series about what is good in people and in the country.

It's a family affair.