
Showing posts with label Thomas Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Fire. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2017

Thomas Fire - Update

Where the Thomas Fire has and is erupting
On December 19th, J and L posted a blog about Christmas and those who may be missing that special time with their families. Those would be the men and women in uniform protecting our homeland and those closer - the first responders. In that blog entry, we wrote that the Thomas Fire which has been stalking and destroying homes and businesses a few miles northwest of Los Angeles, was the third largest fire in modern California's history.

That changed at 6:30 p.m. (PST). The Thomas Fire is now categorized as the largest fire in California's history.

The 'hell' that has been thrown on California
This is not what we had hoped we'd be saying when we updated this story. And, we would like to emphatically reiterate how much we appreciate the commitment and dedication of those working the fire lines, those assisting those firefighters and the folks who go out of their way helping in any way they can. 

What Christmas - We have a job to do!
Fire doesn't know nor understands political or religious affiliations, or anything else for that matter - this is a real hell of wheels, and people are suffering.

So, during this Christmas season we need to understand what these wonderful people - those losing everything and those working through the holidays - are about. They are about us - the average guy or gal. The homeowners leaving for work and finding at the end of the day nothing left but memories of their former abode. The personnel working day and night to save as much as they can with the knowledge they will not be home for Christmas.

My gift this Christmas will be saving others - the true heroes
These are the people we need to hold an extra candle up in the air during this holiday season. So, when out and about shopping, splash a little extra wide smile to a stranger. Let's make everyone feel better - we never know when we may need that encouragement from someone we don't know. 

And of course, drop a dollar or two into that Santa ringing the bell - that is what makes America Great - the generosity of her people to help those in need.

Give - it is what the season is all about
It may make the difference for a great day or a sad day for someone you don't know.

Is that too much to ask during this holiest of seasons?

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

May Your Christmas Be Safe

Sometimes during the Christmas season all thoughts turn to bright lights, jingle bells, and fancy wrapped presents beneath a tree. That is good – a time to be joyous is always good for the heart and soul.

It is good to be warm and cozy at Christmas.
But sometimes – just sometimes -- the holiday season means loved ones are away from home. J experienced this during the time he served in law enforcement. Working Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the other special times families are together each and every year, but it was his choice. The badge he wore didn’t always allow him the luxury of being warm and toasty on those special moments surrounded by loved ones. No, patrolling dark and cold streets taught him that he, as well as his brothers and sisters in uniform, were needed to ensure as many people as possible were protected from the wolves.

This holiday season is no different for the countless everyday heroes who patrol the streets, fight fires, save lives, and keep hospitals open. This blog is for them – the ones who allow the rest of us to settle down for a hot toddy on a cold winter night.

It is of special consideration being a Californian and seeing the super-human effort in combating the recent and current fires sweeping this state that we dedicate this Christmas blog.

Thomas Fire encroaching onto a neighborhood near Santa Barbara
The thousands of firefighters, hundreds of police officers, and countless other emergency personnel will be giving up this holiday season in the pursuit of helping others. Hundreds, if not thousands of structures have already burnt to the ground over the past few months. Many others are in danger – as of this writing the Thomas Fire burning northwest of Los Angeles and considered the third largest fire in California’s modern times will continue until well after the New Year.
These heroes won't be home for Christmas but they are doing what they do best!

The citizens of Santa Barbara and its richer sister city of Montecito to the south are now being attacked by relentless flames.

It is this area now facing a disastrous Christmas Season but even with the terror-filled anxiety there are heroes doing their best to save as much as can be saved from the flames.

Cory Iverson gave his life trying to save others - definition of a true hero.

A deadly fire – one firefighter, Engineer Cory Iverson, was killed while fighting the Thomas fire and a civilian female, Virginia Pesola, died while trying to escape the flames.

For those families and loved ones this Christmas of 2017 will be hard to revisit in later years.

So, in this season of Hope we at J and L want to take a moment and thank those who give up their personal comfort and risk it all for the rest of us.
This is not acting!

On a side note, even civilians help out when they can – sometimes to the detriment of the professionals but often assisting in very helpful ways. One such example is the actor Rob Lowe who happens to own a home in the Santa Barbara area. Not only did he put it all on the line donning fire protective gear and battling alongside the firefighters but to show his appreciation cooked dinner for a group of firefighters at his home which they saved.

Hungry and tired but grateful for a hot meal prepared by Rob Lowe
And a grateful Rob Lowe with the crew who saved his home.
Christmas is the season for giving, and giving to each other is so much more valuable than a few trinkets covered in wrapping and pretty bows. According to Janice Maeditere, "Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts."

It is what the holiday is about - that time when selflessness takes over and only others matter. To step out of our comfort zone to make someone else comfortable and safe. That willingness to give everything and expect nothing in return.

That is the true meaning of Christmas.

J and L wish all those serving the needs of others this holiday season – no matter the career – who will not be home for Christmas a heartfelt thanks.

Merry Christmas to all those deployed - We love you.