
Showing posts with label Bray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bray. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The End?

As with all things with a beginning, there is also an ending. This is one of those moments for J and L Research and Exploration - it is time to bid a fond adieu.

With over four years writing about our exploits locally and abroad we have decided to hang up the keyboard and pursue other adventures. Of course, it did take a little arm twisting from being one of the winners of the California Superlotto - okay there was no wrangling of our appendages to make this decision.

With John's third novel, 'Iquitos - the Past can Kill' (working title) and his fourth set in Europe for 'Vlad - The Last Crusader' it was decided to relocate to a home we purchased in Ireland for the chance to write and relax. The small village of Bray on the east coast is not more than 12 miles from Dublin with a population of nearly 32,000, and seems the most logical place to reside. Cool ocean breezes, thick green hills (bre means hill in Gaelic), and just large enough to be comfortable in with lots of pubs to sit and tip a few Guinness with the locals. Of course, with Dublin so nearby there will not be a chance to miss the nightlife on those occasions when being in a large city is called for.

Seemed like the correct apparel at time of signing deed

The house, or more like a small castle (doesn't everyone want to live in a castle) is located on a high point west of the city center and is nestled on nearly five acres of treed land.

A nearby ancient, probably 13th century fortified tower house also occupies the property but is in pretty bad shape but nothing a few years won't bring back to life with the assistance of a local stone mason who has looked at the tower and deems it salvageable. So, just on this small plot of land in the Irish countryside there is plenty of research and exploration to be had.

Needs work - a stone mason or two

Roots - important part of life.

Perhaps, in time we will again enter the realm of the blogger sphere with more tales of Ireland - but then again who knows?

At this point we are busy selling homes, reducing household goods, getting the puppies their shots and correct paperwork for the journey to the Emerald Isle and saying farewell to friends and family in California and across this great land.

We will always be Americans at heart but for the foreseeable future we will be ex-pats living in the land of our roots - Ireland.