
Showing posts with label Newberry Mountains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newberry Mountains. Show all posts

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Enjoy the unexpected at Christmas


The Christmas Season is rapidly approaching with lighting speed. Time to get out and shop, or more likely, to sit on the sofa and order online.

It is still 2020, after all. And remember, no more than zero guests are allowed for any planned holiday festivities. In fact, rumor has it that a new guideline may be out about soon which will outlaw eating alone, so you don’t spread COVID-19 to yourself.

Which brings me to a point I want to share.

One of the most thoughtful and handsome characters is that Yuletide favorite, the Grinch. He who cares so much for the townsfolk of Whoville, that he takes away all their gifts. It’s a teachable moment for those residing in that whacky little town, and the Grinch wants to show them that gifts are not what makes the season. It is what is in the heart that truly matters.

Let me dare – I must, I must – to share what the Grinch is thinking when he looks down at the citizens of Whoville, and sees everyone happy, smiling, and singing (frowned upon now), even though he had snatched all their gifts, including the Christmas trees.

‘Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.’

                            Probably, the nicest guy during the Christmas Holidays!

A gift is fine, but a smile, or nod behind a mask may mean more. Someone offering you their parking spot at the mall may mean more. Holding a door open for a stranger may mean more. Tipping a bit higher than usual at an outdoor eating establishment (aren’t they all now?), may mean more. In other words, being polite to each other may mean more.

A gift is fine, but giving or receiving isn’t just about pretty packages wrapped up tightly with ribbons or bows – or arriving in a light brown Amazon box.

It’s those unexpected moments and experiences that truly warm the heart.

What is the point of this article? A moral lesson of the true meaning of Christmas? Nope, but just a gentle reminder that sometimes the best gifts are not always expected, or perhaps not even thought of as gifts.

For example – and yes, we are getting to the article now -- Laureen and I planned a fifteen-mile off-road trip across Christmas Tree Pass in Nevada. It’s an easy off-paved road drive, but you don’t really need a four-wheel drive vehicle, if you keep abreast of weather reports. Being just northwest of Laughlin, the weather is pretty predictable: it will be clear and dry the majority of the year.

The pass is between Nevada Highway 163 and US Highway 93. It wriggle-waggles through some very picturesque scenery in the Newberry Mountains, with views of the Colorado River valley to the east.

Why is it called Christmas Tree Pass? Well, it is a pass through the mountains, but as far as Christmas trees – not so much.

There are lots of tall Juniper bushes, which from a distance, sort of look like Christmas trees. But when pulling up to one, nope, it’s a Juniper bush. Now, some clever people have decided to decorate the bushes with tinsel, ornaments, and such – so, that’s why the pass is known as the Christmas Tree Pass. It’s sort of a kitschy thing to do, drive by a Juniper bush and disguise it as a Christmas tree. No one will notice the difference – that’s the kitschy part.

We drove in from the Highway 163, south of Searchlight, and headed out on the pass toward Highway 93 and Laughlin.

“Looks like a Christmas tree,” Laureen stated, as we drove down a rather steep incline, and saw the first decorated bush.

“It’s a Juniper bush,” I replied. “Where’s the Blue Spruce, or the Noble Fir trees?”

“You know your trees.” She was stating the obvious.

“Not even a Concolor Fir, to be seen,” I replied. Yeah, I know my trees.

Nothing but Juniper bushes pretending to be Christmas trees. Imposters, all of them.

An imposter Juniper, disguised as a Christmas Tree

We continued down the dirt road, taking a photo here and there of some pretty amazing rock formations.

“Well, at least it’s a pretty drive.”

I nodded. “Would have nice to see a Christmas tree, since that’s how it is advertised.” Fake news.

And, here comes the part of the joy of an unexpected gift.

About two miles or so from the end of the pass road, we came upon a sign pointing down another dirt road to the west - Grapevine Canyon, Spirit Mountain.

“And what do we have here?” I asked.

Turns out, there is a trail heading into Grapevine Canyon in Spirit Mountain contains over seven hundred petroglyphs. These drawings were created by Native Americans between the years of 1100 and 1900 AD.

The number and intricacy of the designs are so impressive, that the area is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is one of the most pristine areas in which to view such petroglyphs, and also rock shelters used by the artists.

The hike was only a quarter of mile across a dry, sandy riverbed and is easily accessible for pretty much anyone. And as the trail narrows on the approach to the canyon, the first sight of the dozens and dozens of petroglyphs is amazing.

                                 The wonderful art of a hunting party.

                                       Laureen pointing out some of her favorite glyphs

Since the time span was so long, no one is certain who carved the petroglyphs exactly. According to many sources, the Mojave tribe may be the one responsible for most of the drawings. Though, the area is considered sacred – thus the name Spirit Mountain – or Avi Kwa’ Ame (pronounced as it spelled), by those tribes who spoke Yuman or Numic dialogues. These would include, but not be limited to the Mojave, the Hualapai, and the Maricopa tribes.

The area is actually considered the center of creation for all those tribes who speak Yuman or Numic. It is a sacred locale which is listed as a Traditional Cultural Property – this would be areas that are connected through traditional religious or cultural importance to specific groups, Native Americans, being only one such group.

As we walked through the canyon, marveling at the beauty of the glyphs (that’s what we researchers refer to petroglyphs as), there was sense of awe just standing there. Being in the presence of messages written so long ago, reminded me that we were in a very special place indeed.

  These are ancient peoples, or aliens visiting the desert

There were glyphs portraying people hunting, animals hunting, people sitting, animals sitting, animals running, people running, and some Laureen swore looked like aliens with helmets on.

“I must agree,” I stated. “Saw that one on the Discovery Channel, Ancient Aliens series.”

We met a lone traveler, not space alien, as he claimed to be from Montana.

“I’m on a road trip, and read about this place from the app, AllTrails. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

I have the same app, but didn’t mention it. Let him believe he was the only one with it, my gift to him. Probably made his day.

Jim, I think that was his name, but it could have been Steve, asked us questions about the place. How old were the drawings? Who made them? And, and so on.

I explained what I knew, and he was impressed. We bade Jim, or Steve a safe journey and explored all the drawings for an hour or more.

A short drive with a great ending.

It’s like that unexpected gift – didn’t know it was coming, but when it did, it was truly appreciated.

As with anywhere, care must be taken not to disturb or destroy these wonderful and priceless memories of past peoples. Go in, look around, take photos, and leave everything as it was.

It is sacred to many people – and should be treated as such.

In 2010, an idiot (can I say that?), decided to use a paintball gun and defaced over thirty petroglyphs. He was caught, spent time in federal prison, and paid ten thousand dollars in restitution. An idiot and criminal too boot. But the damage was done.

I believe, he will always receive coal in his stocking – and rightfully so.