
Showing posts with label World Trade Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Trade Center. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2021

Twenty years later, and we still won't forget

 As we recall that frightening morning on September 11th, 2001 - we must as a nation never allow the date to slip by unnoticed. 

Though, twenty years have passed, it seems like only yesterday. Anyone alive during that fateful day will recall exactly where they were when the news came across the wires that the Twin Towers were on fire.

Laureen and I were getting ready for work. Our phone rang, and a friend of ours told us to turn on the news.

Our television had just flicked on, when United Airlines Flight 175, suddenly came into view and struck the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The north tower had already been struck by an American Airlines flight minutes earlier.

One plane striking a tower - a possible and tragic accident. Another plane striking the opposite tower - we knew the United States was under attack. 

We were stunned. 

Laureen cried. I cried. We knew our fellow citizens - innocent citizens were being murdered. Nearly three thousand Americans died on that day - many more first responders have perished since that date due to complications of being the heroes who ran toward the disaster and not away from it. They saved countless lives, while forfeiting theirs in the process.

We, at J and L don't need to write much on this topic. It is embedded in every American's heart and soul.

And that being the case - all we can do is remember each victim and pray they are at peace in a far more gentle place then the one they have left.