
Showing posts with label Hesperia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hesperia. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Books and Beats

Sometimes you meet the most interesting people close to home. No need to explore thousands of miles away from the known to make a friend but simply hold out your hand for a firm and pleasant shake.

J and L love traveling to exotic locales and sharing those adventures on a regular basis but sometimes the treasure are much closer. Over the summer we had a chance to re-meet (if there's such a term) Randy Jordan. A fellow teacher we both had known for years but more in a passing professional manner.
Amazon - Exotic?

 "Hey, how ya doing?"

"Good and you?"

Off to the classroom to teach never really hearing the replies not out of rudeness but simply everyone is so busy in their lives there's time for quick niceties but the sand doesn't hold still for in-depth discussions.

But the end of summer 2014 was a bit different since we attended an in-service concerning Sean Covey's, 'The 7 Habits of  Highly Effective Teens' at Lakeview Leadership Academy. A great eyeopening training as well as a chance to really 'meet' our peers on a much deeper personal level.

That chance led J and L into finding out Randy was a drummer in a local band, Tango Kilo. John used to play bass guitar in a garage band in high school but claims it was really a garbage band. Intentions were good but the sound was trash - his words.

As fate would have it John had a book signing for his novel, 'Soft Target' (published by Black Opal Books) on Sept. 13th at a local and very popular bookstore in Hesperia, California.  'Hi Desert Book Oasis'. The owner, Donna Penman (awesome name for a book store owner) used Saturdays during the summer as a venue for local authors to meet the public and explain why they chose to be writers. Most don't know why but simply the keyboard is calling and there are stories to be told - so be told they are. After the signings the nicely appointed exterior patio which resembles an early mission architecture is turned into a stage for local bands to play to the crowds of music lovers. Thus Donna created: 'Books and Beats' - rather clever really and a big draw during the warm months in Southern California.
Great idea - signing and band playing

So, one plus one equals two and soon John would be signing books and Tango Kilo would light up the evening skies with their unique and solely original sounds.

Tango Kilo greeting the sunset with their unique sounds
  John entertained readers with tales of inspiration for both his novels within the interior of the bookstore and later the members of Tango Kilo finished the night with heart pounding sounds that when they ended at nine left the audience wanting more. But nine it was and the concert and signing was over.

Moral of the story - smile, shake a hand, truly listen to the other person, and the next adventure could be in your very own backyard.

It happens as it did this hot September night. 

J and L with members of Tango Kilo
We want to send out our special thanks to a few new found friends:

Donna Penman - owner and gracious host from Hi Desert Book Oasis.

Patty Thayer - fellow teacher and 'volunteer' at Hi Desert Book Oasis (rather funny lady also).

The band - Tango Kilo - Randy Jordan, Robby Kauffman, Jeremy Lacey, David Mancha

 Of course, Paul Bakas who is the photographer/videographer and close friend.

 And all those supported the book signing - if it wasn't for the readers there would be no need to write.

A few random photographs to show the fun had by all and if you were missed you were not intentionally missed and a heartfelt thanks from this writer to his friends and supporters.

Brandon Cruz loving those titles
Amy Stampe - must be an exciting part

Dr. Gary Wilkins with J - good friend
Erica Beyer, first autograph of the evening
Jessica and Justin Barr, coffee and books
Scarlett Rose enjoying the band
Randy Jordan thrilled by his purchase
Angie Douglas and family
Paul Bakas with Chuck and Karlene Russell
Mellisa Hays enjoying a good laugh

The author pontificating
A writer must write when the moment strikes!