
Monday, June 20, 2011

Awaiting the Reunion

On Saturday, June 25, the Second Baker Girl Adult Reunion will take place -- this time in California.  The first Reunion, attended by Janette, Beth, Laureen and their families took place in Norman, Oklahoma in 2007. Norman, home to the Nichols family, tornadoes, and beautiful green woods is considered the best small town in which to live in the entire state of Oklahoma and in the top ten in the country. Norman is also home to the Max Westheimer Field -- a university airstrip, controlled intermittently by the US Navy during WWII and the Korean War.  Oklahoma became part of the United States with the Louisiana Purchase; Janette became a part of our family six years after this author. We hope to keep and grow what has become a family tradition of reunion and exploration.

"We'll always have Bass Pro."


  1. you left off that max westheimer has the dubious distinction of training 9/11 terrorists!

  2. And the part that John can't pick out Museums. :)

    That was great seeing you both this weekend. Can't wait for the next one. Laureen, you have to post the picture update. LOVE
